The story begins when a paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, and the government responds by sending in Special Forces. The group loses contact with the government when an eerie signal interrupts radio communications--and when that interference subsides moments later, the team has been destroyed. That's where you come in. As part of a classified strike team created to deal with threats no one else can handle, your mission is simple: eliminate the intrude at any cost, determine the origin of the signal, and contain the potential crisis before it gets out of control.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP/2000 with Service Packs,
Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent,
512 MB RAM,
5 GB hard disk space,
DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card,
64 MB GeForce 4 Ti or Radeon 9000 or equivalent with hardware T&L and PS,
DirectX 9.0c April edition,
Keyboard, mouse
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP/2000 with Service Packs,
Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent,
512 MB RAM,
5 GB hard disk space,
DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card,
64 MB GeForce 4 Ti or Radeon 9000 or equivalent with hardware T&L and PS,
DirectX 9.0c April edition,
Keyboard, mouse
Update Link September 2012